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New Political Resolution - The Lemon Party



So, I'm sick and tired of politics. I have had it up to here with stupid people making stupid statements that they have no intention of honouring once they get into office. We're now involved in three different military actions directly, God only knows how many indirectly, and it's just getting ridiculous. How zarking hard it is for any of you bozos in politics to just tell the freaking truth?

Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, Green, Tea Partier, Blue Dog, Conservative, Liberal, I don't care WHAT party you're with. Come this next election cycle, every last one of you who is in office is getting voted out and replaced. Republican Senator? Your seat will soon be filled by a Democrat. Democrat Representative? Prepare to be replaced by a Libertarian. Conservatives shall be met with Liberalism and Liberalism with Conservatism, and this cycle will continue to happen every two years with you people being replaced by your direct opposites until the lot of you get your acts together and start behaving like adults!

That's the idea behind the Lemon Party. Lemon Laws exist to protect consumers - if you buy a product and it turns out to be defective (aka: a lemon), you are allowed to return it and get a replacement. Well, guess what - Congress, the Executive Branch, state and local government: you're ALL defective. And it is now my sworn, solemn duty to ensure that every last one of you loses your job in 2012 and gets replaced by an incoming freshman.

If anybody else wants to join me in this venture, if you want graphics you can use for signs and banners, if you want to join their e-mail list to find local Lemon Party gatherings in your area or if you're interested in starting up your own chapter of the Lemon Party in your state or province, then head on over to http://www.lemonparty.org and get signed up.

The Lemon Party: Change Is Good™!


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