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Many more edits to come?

Er...so why release it if it's not finished?😅

Anyway, thanks for the scan, finished or not.  PC Gamer is always welcome. 

BTW, some quick advice (for your future rerelease of this file):

1.  I noticed that you've saved all the files at quality level 12.  This is very wasteful, space-wise.  The difference between an image saved at 12 and an image saved at 9 is barely perceptible, if at all.  If it's the best possible quality you're after (regardless of filesize), you'd be FAR better off saving the images at a higher resolution, rather than a higher compression quality level.  In other words, rather than save the images at 2200px high, quality 12 (as you did here), you could save the images at 3000px high (or whatever), quality 9.

Personally, I save at 2500px high, quality 9.

Bottom line - a larger image (pixel dimension-wise) is a far better use of filespace than an excessively high compression quality level.

Btw, I ran the file through a batch process in Photoshop, re-saving everything at q9 and bumping the black level up to 10 (a small correction that I personally find preferable on this particular scan).  The resulting cbr file is only 238MB and looks identical to the original (well, slightly better in my opinion due to the black level tweak.  but had I left that alone, they would look the same.)

2.  Tiny advice here: I realize that you've arranged the pages in the order in which they are printed, but for fold-out pages such as the Star Trek ad at the front, it's best to number them so that images which should be next to each other are in sequential order.

Also, if you don't mind me asking - did you do something weird to the cover?  It looks strange to me, like the blue was painted in with the fill tool, making the shadows look weird.


Btw, I also went ahead and joined the two double-page ads for that Star Trek game, which on the first join at least required quite a bit of real estate to be created with the content aware tool, but I think it looks pretty decent for creating part of an image out of nothing.


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Some pages needed to be improve IMO but right now its presentable so I released it as v1.

The cover does have a fill. The cover has a weird metallic looking blue to it. The problem is my mag as wrinkles on the cover making it hard to use the original color. Best I can do is use a color similar to it. Heres the original scan:


Any help to it is appreciated.

One of my changes I decided is to make the dual ads join together. I hate how it looks when viewed double paged in a comic book reader. The reason there not joined is because  of the fold out ads and the stupid subscriber insert card 😞

As for the page sizes and quality I do make it smaller for archive.org. I think they hate big files i don't know. For future releases i'll try smaller quality bigger resolution as you said.

Thanks for adding some of my ads to the site!

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2 hours ago, MigJmz said:

One of my changes I decided is to make the dual ads join together. I hate how it looks when viewed double paged in a comic book reader. The reason there not joined is because  of the fold out ads and the stupid subscriber insert card 😞

Not sure I understand what you're saying about foldout ads and insert cards.  As for joins, if you make them into a single picture first, they look fine viewed in two-page mode.  Just merge them into a single pic (will take some photoshop magic) then cut away the second page.  Crop the remaining page perfectly (zoom way in so you can see the pixels) and save it.  Then, using the crop tool again, open up a large empty space next to the first page.  Paste the second page there, and crop out the first page.  Save.  Now the pages will look just as seamless in two-page view as they did as a single image.

3 hours ago, MigJmz said:

As for the page sizes and quality I do make it smaller for archive.org. I think they hate big files i don't know. For future releases i'll try smaller quality bigger resolution as you said.

Nah, they don't care.  I've seen people upload unedited raws of 600dpi scans there where the cbr is nearly 2 GB.  Regarding your scan, since you've only scanned it at 300dpi, you could have saved it at 3200px high and quality 9 and ended up with a higher quality file that took up less space than 2200 saved at 12.  You did notice that saving a file at quality 12 actually makes the filesize bigger than the original, right?

3 hours ago, MigJmz said:

Thanks for adding some of my ads to the site!

You can thank me for doing the work to join the ads, but there's no need to thank me for adding them to the site like that's something special.  You or anyone else is free to add to the galleries whenever you like.  The only reason I'm the only person to upload things around here is that everyone else is too lazy.😋

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9 hours ago, kitsunebi77 said:

Not sure I understand what you're saying about foldout ads and insert cards.  As for joins, if you make them into a single picture first, they look fine viewed in two-page mode.  Just merge them into a single pic (will take some photoshop magic) then cut away the second page.  Crop the remaining page perfectly (zoom way in so you can see the pixels) and save it.  Then, using the crop tool again, open up a large empty space next to the first page.  Paste the second page there, and crop out the first page.  Save.  Now the pages will look just as seamless in two-page view as they did as a single image.


That's a neat trick will do that from here on out


Nah, they don't care.  I've seen people upload unedited raws of 600dpi scans there where the cbr is nearly 2 GB.  Regarding your scan, since you've only scanned it at 300dpi, you could have saved it at 3200px high and quality 9 and ended up with a higher quality file that took up less space than 2200 saved at 12.  You did notice that saving a file at quality 12 actually makes the filesize bigger than the original, right?

I have trouble uploading big files on archive.org. Always gets messed up. My original scans are around 3200ish so I reduce them a little to save. But 12q is a bit overkill. Will correct in the future.


You can thank me for doing the work to join the ads, but there's no need to thank me for adding them to the site like that's something special.  You or anyone else is free to add to the galleries whenever you like.  The only reason I'm the only person to upload things around here is that everyone else is too lazy.😋

Ok cool. I'm improving all of the double ads so there's lots to add in the gallery

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1 hour ago, MigJmz said:
Ok cool. I'm improving all of the double ads so there's lots to add in the gallery

Speaking of which - to anyone looking to upload ads to the gallery - Single page ads are easy - after making sure we don't already have the ad in the gallery, just correctly title the ad and upload it with any pertinent information in the description box (I like to include basic information such as the game's genre, developer, publisher, and publication date.) 

Double page ads should be joined together as seamlessly as possible before being added to the gallery.  However, in the past, certain people uploaded a bunch of double page ads without joining them together - they simply uploaded page 1 and page 2 as two separate uploads.  My goal is to ultimately replace all of those with properly joined ads, so if you see a two-page ad that has been uploaded as separate pages, feel free to upload a joined version, and we can delete the single page versions later.

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