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Pretty sweet Sega Genesis box I picked up


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Been looking for a clean Genesis box for years now since I never picked up the 2 that were sitting in my dad's shed for years that he threw out after spring cleaning in his shed. Most of the ones on ebay look like junk or people asking too much for decent boxes. Guy I buy plastic box protectors from has a nice one he uses to display his protector on his website. Figured I'd ask him if he was willing to sell expecting to just hear "sorry, no" but he replied back telling me he has no room for it and would gladly sell it to me for the price he paid! I couldn't pass that up! All my years of looking for a decent box was finally over. Box looks great. Styro looks great and even has the top cover. All the plastic bags there. All the literature I think is there...manual and some card. Not sure if a poster came with it or not back in the day when I got it on release day on August 14, 1989. Just thought I'd share my exciting find. I'm a nerd and like to collect my fav consoles but only if the boxes area nice. Any other nerd collectors like me?


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I am not a collector at all anymore.  Moving to another country with just a suitcase full of clothes put an end to my desire to own all the things, and ever since then, I've gone completely digital in regards to games, comics, books, mags, tv, movies, and all the other crap I used to collect.  And it's WONDERFUL.  No more clutter.

That said, I can still admire your find.  That's a pretty beautiful thing, right there, and I don't even have any affinity towards anything Sega aside from the Dreamcast.

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dang man, that's in great condition! good find!!

i collect games, currently working on a complete Sega 32x set. i love the weird stuff that gets little/no love. don't really care about cardboard boxes, to me they don't add anything but just take up space. 

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  • 1 year later...

Still need to find a Sega CD Model 2 as clean as my Genesis box...but I'm finding it hard to find something "mint" without costing a fortune. Also, I may never have a CDX in my collection. Not paying those ridiculous prices that are 2K and over and the boxes are not super minty.

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/2/2021 at 11:20 PM, mechayakuza said:

If I had a lot of free time, money, and space, I'd love to collect like this. For now, I have to settle for Mini/Classic consoles.

Yep, i feel like I have to get all the mini/classic consoles...i haven't gotten the TG16 yet though. Thought that would drop in price quickly like the PS and Genesis minis but nope. 

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On 8/28/2020 at 7:57 AM, Mossheart said:

I love collecting everything retro. I collect for quantity and I have a friend who collects for quality. I have a lot of respect for you 'quality collectors', that's a serious commitment!

I'm on a facebook group full of super quality collectors/sellers where they buy/sell games for thousands. I have no business being there but I like to see the super high priced items and what the rich folks own.

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  • 3 months later...

Every time i see this topic trending, all i can think about is that sweet, sweet Megatron Sega Genesis that someone posted here a couple years ago. 




they also made a pretty cool Optimus Prime/Playstation, but this one is way better. I'm just lucky they never made one with an NES or N64 or i would have had to buy a couple of those!

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...
On 2/12/2018 at 12:57 AM, vice350z said:

Been looking for a clean Genesis box for years now since I never picked up the 2 that were sitting in my dad's shed for years that he threw out after spring cleaning in his shed. Most of the ones on ebay look like junk or people asking too much for decent boxes. Guy I buy plastic box protectors from has a nice one he uses to display his protector on his website. Figured I'd ask him if he was willing to sell expecting to just hear "sorry, no" but he replied back telling me he has no room for it and would gladly sell it to me for the price he paid! I couldn't pass that up! All my years of looking for a decent box was finally over. Box looks great. Styro looks great and even has the top cover. All the plastic bags there. All the literature I think is there...manual and some card. Not sure if a poster came with it or not back in the day when I got it on release day on August 14, 1989. Just thought I'd share my exciting find. I'm a nerd and like to collect my fav consoles but only if the boxes area nice. Any other nerd collectors like me?


That's a stellar score, OP! I remember holding on to my Genesis Model 2 box FOREVER, then misplacing it. If it shows up I'll post it here! I got it for my birthday in 1994.

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  • 1 year later...
On 8/19/2020 at 10:06 PM, vice350z said:

Still need to find a Sega CD Model 2 as clean as my Genesis box...but I'm finding it hard to find something "mint" without costing a fortune. Also, I may never have a CDX in my collection. Not paying those ridiculous prices that are 2K and over and the boxes are not super minty.

Finally picked up a Sega CDX complete in a clean box in Sept '22 and a Model 2 Sega CD complete in a very nice box in Feb '23....years of searching finally over :) That pretty much completes collecting all the systems...these were the last 2 on my list to acquire. 




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