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Found two large boxes of magazines and looking to make a donation


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While clearing out my belongings from a residence, I noticed that I still had a LOT of old gaming magazines.  I am currently not in the same state (in the USA) as the magazines, but will be during the Christmas holiday and want to learn how I can donate any magazines that aren't currently in the magazine database.  I think it's mostly Nintendo Power and Electronic Gaming Monthly, but there are some older magazines that aren't.  I realize that this potential donation won't happen for months, but I want to get the ball rolling because I will likely only have less than a week of time to go through them all and mail them.  I might have around 200 magazines or more, but I know that I likely have mags that are already in the database. 

Also, how would I determine if I have a better quality copies of magazines than what's already in the database?  I want to be very efficient and thorough about this because of the short amount of time I will have to ship the donation out.


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Early issues of EGM and Nintendo Power are quite old and are something we want to scan again, so if any of your issues are the early ones those could be used. The only other way to tell if what you have is better than what we had when we scanned an issue is to download it and check it out.

Anything scanned and uploaded in the last 5 or so years will be fine unless it's some of the scans from the Video Game History Foundation. They aren't the best scans but they are pretty good thought they could always be better.

Anything that you don't send to us for scanning you can send to the VGHF. They use them in their blind subscription program which helps them raise money to acquire more magazines. I sent my duplicates to them last year and they paid our hosting fees and thensome in return, so we like to help them out whenever we can. I have a couple boxes that I will be giving to them sometime soon, so that's always an option for issues we do not need.

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Well, I guess I'll be working with you E-Day.  Should we wait until the future before you share your shipping info?  If that's the case, I'll message you a week or so before I get to sort through the magazines.  Since I'll have access to them around the Christmas holiday, it'll be a few months from now.

Also, you mentioned that some scans from VGHF might want to be redone.  For example, I go to download a Nintendo Power magazine and can tell the individual who made the scan.  Would this individual be the VGHF, or would I be able to tell some other way?

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16 hours ago, InSilico said:

Well, I guess I'll be working with you E-Day.  Should we wait until the future before you share your shipping info?  If that's the case, I'll message you a week or so before I get to sort through the magazines.  Since I'll have access to them around the Christmas holiday, it'll be a few months from now.

I just messaged you my address so you can ship the magazines to me whenever you get around to it.

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