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Tekken 6's Online Play

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I am a huge fan of the Tekken Series. I am probably one of the 5 best Forest/Marshall Law players in the country and have been playing the game since the very beginning. Needless to say I was excited about the thought that Tekken 6 was coming out and would (like Tekken 5 DR) have online play. I got the game the day it came out and tried the online play. It was crazy laggy (probably some of the worst lag in online fighting games anywhere). I gave the rest of the game a try (several offline modes) and decided to come back and try online again. This time I optimized my internet, router, etc to give me the best ping imaginable.

Here are my thoughts:

Playing Tekken 6 online is a lot like slamming your wang in a door. Yeah, it might seem like an awesome idea and heck, after a few drinks you might even want to invite friends to watch. BUT, seconds after you do it, you are in a world of pain and your joystick just doesn't seem to work right. Heck, nothing responds correctly to your touch. Only a glutton for pain or someone who is a complete idiot (or a fanboy who can't help but slam his wang in a door over and over again because someone else told him it was a good idea....not matter the long term damage to himself, his reputation, or even his ability to participate in society) would even consider doing it again.

PLEASE fix this problem Namco...and soon. I know Namoc has claimed they are working on a patch, but this should never have even released with this kind of lag. They must have tested the "online" portion by connecting one PS3 directly to another...

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SFIV was mad laggy for a long time in the beginning, too. Even now you can hardly find anyone to match up with who doesn't have at least slight lag. I figure T6 will probably be the same.

No...there is no way of even comparing the two. I was there for SFIV day 1 and even fought a few Sagat Fireball spammers. I almost miss Mario Kart Wii online where they fake the online thing all together. Even when you have green bars v. green bars as it is like playing someone with red bars (or no bars).

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