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About Grave

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  • Favorite Current Generation Platform?
    Playstation 3
  • Favorite Previous/Retro Platform?
    Sega Saturn

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  1. Excellent- my collection's currently living in plastic bins in another state, but when I'm there next I'll be sure to post what I've got in the appropriate thread and see what can be done about scanning! Would love to contribute anything I can to the project.
  2. Bunch of good recommendations already. Seconded on KickMaster - pretty underrated little game. If you haven't played Shatterhand on NES I'd recommend that very highly as well. Another side-scroller that doesn't look like much but is a ton of fun. And on the subject of Enix SNES games, if you haven't played it you should totally check out Actraiser. It's half side-scrolling action, half world-building simulation, with some very loose connections to the aforementioned Soul Blazer. Always loved the visual style, great sprite work and it has a stunning Yuzo Koshiro soundtrack, the symphonic version of which is totally worth hunting down as well.
  3. Yeah, that's brutal. Hopefully nothing was lost-lost, but shuffling around such a large collection must be an insane undertaking. You'd think someone who managed to end up here in search of old mag downloads would be old enough to grasp the reality of the situation, but... that's the internet for you, I guess? Cool, thanks. Say, while I'm asking potentially dumb questions - is there a list of stuff that's still wanted for scanning purposes, or is the thread for posting your collection the closest we've got? I looked around a bunch last night but couldn't find much in that regard. Though I doubt I have much that other folks haven't already scanned and I lack the resources to put 'em online, I wouldn't mind getting them in the hands of people who could.
  4. Came here for the first time last year, read some old Sega Visions, had a blast. Found the files on my drive and decided to come on back... and hadn't considered how hard losing Megaupload would be on a site like this. Thanks for keeping it together the best you guys can - this site is an extremely valuable resource and I'm so glad that someone is preserving this information and these memories for the future. Hah, forgot the all-important "how" part... and can we not edit posts here? Google. It was Google.
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