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About BombJack72

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    Xbox 360

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  1. It's one of the many multi format mags that we had in the shops here in Holland, but at that time I was more interested in the UK mags. From what you are writing, it sounds like I missed something really good. It's always fun to read background information on magazines, even if you have never read them.
  2. Heheh, that sounds like the perfect way to stop these people. I think it's pretty sick to take advantage of somebody else's work like this, but I guess when it comes to digital files, it's pretty much impossible to stop it completely. There will always be another person who thinks they have found an easy way to make money from somebody else's work.
  3. I'd love to help out, but your post is really the first time I have ever heard of this mag! Another reason why this is such a great place to go, because I can discover magazines I have never seen before. From what you write, this magazine reminds me a bit of another UK mag called Arcade, which I really loved, although it only existed for about two years. It was released around the time that the Dreamcast was launched, and I still have all the issues somewhere. *thinks of his recent move to a new house* At least I hope! I also hope somebody can help you find the issues you need.
  4. I've only really modded my PSP, so that I can play the emulators on it! I hope it will be possible to do the same thing when the new version of the PSP comes out, so that I can finally play all my old games on the tv again, instead of on my computer screen or the small PSP-screen!
  5. Hi, I'm Patrick, I'm from the Netherlands and I've always been a big fan of magazines about videogames. The first one I ever bought was an issue of English Spectrum magazine Crash, an issue I still have somewhere in my attic, along with hundreds of other videogame mags. Many issues of Crash, The Games Machine, Your Sinclair, Sinclair User, The One, Ace, Zero, Official Playstation Magazine, Official Dreamcast Magazine, DC-UK, Edge, games TM and the list goes on. I think it's great that people here are preserving all these mags. It's interesting to see how videogame mags have evolved over the years, though I have to admit I still like the older magazines the most! Other hobbies are gaming (surprisingly!) movies, travelling and playing with my daughter (though no videogames yet!).
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