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Return to Zork: The Official Guide to the Great Underground Empire


The Official Guide to the Great Underground Empire

Juggle scores of clues as you attempt to unravel the mystery of the Great Underground Empire.


  • The dos and don'ts of Zork adventuring
  • The entire Zork cast of characters
  • Points of interest throughout Zork's underground empire
  • Where you're going and how to get there
  • How to beat the baddies and stuff the grues
  • Everything you need to know to avoid a GRUEsome fate

Cost: $16.95 US, $22.95 CAN



    Title:Return to Zork: The Official Guide to the Great Underground Empire
    Month: January
    Year: 1994
    Publisher: BradyGames
    Length: 329
    Cost: 1695
    Country: United States
    Language: English
    UPC: 9781566861236

Submitted By Areala


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