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Computer Games Strategy Plus

Computer Games Strategy Plus was preceded by Strategy Plus, a UK-published title which ran for 10 issues from 1990 to 1991. With issue 11, USA distribution rights were purchased by Chips & Bits, a mail-order software business. By issue 18, the UK side of the publication had folded, and production was taken over in full by Chips & Bits. Publication under the Computer Games Strategy Plus title would continue until issue 106. With issue 107, the title was changed to Computer Games Magazine (issues 107-119) and then changed a final time to Computer Games (issues 120-196.) (For issues 1-10, please see the Strategy Plus section of the UK magazine gallery/database) (For issues 107-119, please see the Computer Games Magazine section of the USA magazine gallery/database) (For issues 120-196, please see the Computer Games (2000) section of the USA magazine gallery/database)
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