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Posts posted by MisterXiado

  1. Spacetime machine with predestination paradox resolution so I could be a person capable of enjoying things, instead of a walking corpse with the ghostly desires befitting a lich. Barring that? It takes energy for me to compose such a list. No photos.

    A large swath of land not too distant from a highway leading to "civilization" far from a leftist hive, and a modest home to set upon it.
    Enough funds to live well, without having to kill myself at work.
    A decent Internet connection.
    A laboratory for my science projects.
    A workshop for my mechanical projects.
    A computer lab for the most nightmarish daisy chain of computers imaginable.

  2. 15 hours ago, sqwirral said:

    It can't run all the games that are on the SNES Classic, mind. (Kirby Super Star, Star Fox 1 & 2, Super Mario RPG, Yoshi's Island)

    I got the SNES Everdrive instead because it was half the price and runs mostly everything the other one does.

    Yeah, but I've been bitten for not future-proofing with odds and ends before. Buy once, cry once, as they say in the world of rifle scopes. While I'm not the biggest SNES fan, it's not like I can find shoeboxes full of decent games for a buck each at yardsales anymore.

  3. I still don't have an HDTV. The only TV I own is a decent CRT that has been under one of my desks for almost a decade, which I keep just in case I want to play a lightgun game or something. I've been using capture cards for ten years to watch tapes and laserdiscs, and to play any game systems that aren't HDMI capable. I even have to split off the audio while using HDMI as I use HDMI to DVI to play the stuff on my monitor. A TV could be useful to me, but I just CBA to buy one as I never watch TV.

  4. Barely readable with the new default theme. Anywho, the untold part of the problem is the dramatic increase in single parent, single-earner homes, and the complete lack of demand in first world countries for unskilled or low-skilled laborers. A single mother isn't necessarily going to have the money to buy junior a new PlayStation. Also toss in the simplification of games to prevent negative reviews on social networking, and the ability to shovel them out onto the iPhones that every brat has to have the most expensive version of, and you have another nail in the coffin of traditional video gaming. It just keeps getting more grim, the more you look into everything that has even a tangentially negative impact on the prosperity of electronic gaming.

  5. I've lost nine friends in the past six or so years from respiratory infections, complications caused by neural implants, and cardiopulmonary issues aggravated by constant distress, and only three of them had someone inform the (same) community they were a part of, of what had happened to them.

  6. This is a complex situation, and this is my understanding of it.

    People who spent a large portion of their time consuming media without actually studying it, have been placed where they can now create this content, be it films, television, literature, or in our case here, games. The problem is, they don't have the skills or knowledge to form a complete project. Like how fans of the Simpsons now write the show, and no matter your taste, the show stopped being good a long time ago. People will just copy a few keystones from the original material, and do a poor job of building the rest of the arches. You see this in "retro" games made by complete hacks, in varying pixel and sprite sizes on the screen at the same time (no visual consistency), random music that could go anywhere (lack of compositional sense), and poor play control (poor math skills, copypaste code). In summary, it seems like the new guard, barring a talented few, are just aping the greats of the past without all of the study and training that those people went through to become great.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Data said:

    This got me thinking about Apple's Icloud which has over 250 Million user's being held for ransom.  You're phone is like a multipurpose device to be used to retrieve all other passwords, banking credentials and other purchases.

    I never store things in the cloud for a variety of nuisances but Apple and it's user's arrogance towards Apple being inherently safe is ignorant.

    I don't care for modern Apple for myriad reasons, but iCloud is a godsend for a lot of people, so long as they don't allow it to save their passwords and financial information. I'd not deprive less-technologically-savvy people a simple means of preserving photos and such, since the idea of owning a desktop computer has been largely put down. Banks are largely easygoing for their customers when it comes to fraud and hijacking. Fax a police report to the main office, and your money is back within a few days. That kind of safety net leaves people to be a little too complacent. People (and corporations) are reactive with security issues, no matter how much money or effort it would save to be proactive. In fact, be careful about pointing out holes in security in your own workplace. That tends to be frowned, or even angrily glared upon.

  8. They're proactively taking down "problematic" videos that go against the media narrative. Less obvious issues are Google de-monetizing videos that criticize the mainstream media, even by providing examples of its dishonesty. If you can't get away with banning popular rabble-rousers from your services, just choke them out by not paying them for the advertisements you put on their popular comment, and deny companies that would support these people from having their advertisements on your network. Basically, small content producers get banned and all of their videos get disappeared, larger ones get de-monetized so they can't spend as much time researching and producing content, and both get slapped with false claims of hate speech, copyright infringement, and other malarkey that Google allows with impunity if the people doing it are unassailable.

    Remember when Sega issued takedowns on any video that even mentioned Shining Force?

  9. It's never your privacy that you should be concerned about. It's the surreptitious planting of evidence. A judge is not going to have the idea that someone with an axe to grind remotely loaded a bunch of horrible pictures and videos onto your computer and phone while you were asleep. I mean, it's not as if people spin up an absurd tapestry of lies and sic the ever-increasingly-militarized police on people for laughs or anything.



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