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Posts posted by sailor1337

  1. Nintendo Power was common when I was a young kid, but once it was the age of the SNES and Genesis and Turbo Duo, transitioning into the PSX/Saturn/N64 really Game Players comes to my mind.  It was what I would casually see in a book store or in Lucky's/Frys/Safeway for magazines.  Never once saw any Nintendo Power's there.

  2. I think I have a couple, I've found mostly a lot of old instruction manuals.  I don't think those are scanned, unless like Illusion of Gaia's instruction manual had a Red Jewels guide.  I have a number of Japanese strategy guides and some Japanese magazines.  I'll have to see if any of them are already on here.  I agree with you that old strategy guides would be awesome to see, they're still relevant at times even better than GameFaqs because they have pictures for context, among other advantages.

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