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Senscape's "Asylum" Now Accepting New Patient Applications



I'm sure you've watched the videos from Leonard Huntings by now (and if you haven't, shame on you - they can be found right here). Four simple little messages to showcase the happenings at Hanwell Mental Institute. If they didn't whet your appetite for more, then you may want to check your pulse and confirm that you are, in fact, still breathing.

For a few weeks now, Senscape's website has contained those four videos, a link to an interactive teaser preview which raises far more questions than it answers, and a cryptic message that an announcement is coming.

On July 9th, we got the message. Oh my God, did we get the message. For the game formerly known as the "Unnamable Project" now has a name. And a new trailer. And new music. And a new 2011 release date. And a coupon to help defray the cost of your soon-to-be-soiled underpants.

OK, so I'm kidding about the coupon, but Agustín Cordes and his deranged band of merry developers have indeed upped the ante of exposure for "Asylum". The trailer is classic Cordes style, and will be instantly recognizable to anyone who has played Scratches in the past. The press release accompanying the reveal is still scarce on details, but included the revelation that "players will be able to explore at leisure a vast and vivid asylum known as the Hanwell Mental Institute, while diving into a disturbing horror storyline unlike anything that has ever been seen before in the adventure genre."

In addition, it has emerged that Hanwell, while a fictional locale in and of itself, was designed using the actual blueprints of a number of real-life vintage asylums as reference. This isn't surprising, since Cordes and his team did much the same thing with Scratches, using floorplans of existing Victorian mansions when designing the house, but there's a significant difference in the scope of a project when it comes to designing a simple house versus an entire sprawling complex. The phrase "Scratches on steroids" has been thrown about by some who are in the know.

Regardless, adventure fans, horror fans, and everyone else in between needs to check out the new trailer for Asylum. A simple visit to Face The Horror will allow you to view it in the web browser of your choice, or it can simply be downloaded from here if you would like a copy to view on-demand.

Keep watching this space for more goodies and info about Asylum, or if you're that desperate to get checked in, you can always register at the Senscape forums and chat with some fellow nutcases. :)




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