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Legends of the Force: Episode IX – Dark Empire I



We continue with the launch of the classic EU with Dark Horse Comics first comic outing – Dark Empire I.

Opening Credits: Star Wars Theme from Super Star Wars on the SNES.
Closing Credits: Chiptune Cantina Band from Chiptune Inc. – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvJtiGFudFlvYMfjiU1NKJg

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Filed under: comics, Star Wars, videos Tagged: comics, Dark Horse Comics, Legends of the Force, Star Wars, Star Wars Expanded Universe 8143 b.gif?host=countzeroor.wordpress.com&blo

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This was the first of your videos I've watched.  The intro is a bit long, but once you actually get started it was pretty good.  Maybe a chapter break at the 1:30 mark so viewers can skip the opening credits? 
Anyway, an exhaustive publication-order SW read-through has always been something I wanted to do, but though I started one, I only got up to about 1995 before moving on to other things.  To many books/comics! (and let's be honest, a lot of them are mediocre at best.)  Still, I hope you keep at it.

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