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Game Description

Everyone loves a hero! So guys like me make a living acting out dreams for space garners' fantasies out in the icy fringes of a lonely space. Blackness beyond reason perforated by unimaginably distant galaxies. Sacrificing life and love so that others can dream safely.

Suspended and waiting, I sit molecularly intertwined with my ship. Connected so profoundly that as...l breathe and my ship throbs with power...As I look, the galaxy stands revealed in all of its atomic and electromagnetic splendor...As I think, the total knowledge of a civilization fills my memory. There is no interval between thought and action.

A vague uneasiness stirs my instrumentation. From a sector in the gamma cluster I feel life forms approaching, and as I tune my analyzers my ship shudders in horror and anticipation... I have felt this frequency before...the Gorganitor approach...Plasma collides with antimatter as I sharpen my nails for this meeting.

I am ready.

Game Information

    Publisher: Synapse Software
    Genre: Shooter
    Release Date: 1984

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Submitted By Phillyman


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