Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers
Game Description
Greetings from the government of the United States...
No, you haven't been drafted. It's not that easy. It's nothing that safe. The country needs a big favour. The CIA is counting on you to preserve Western Civilization. The Russians have in their possession a notebook known only as The Doomsday Papers. With it, they can bring the world to its knees.
This is where you come in.
Using your special investigative prowess, you must break into a place that is not exactly a tourist attraction. It's a maximum security complex located somewhere in Siberia. The good news is that you won't need a passport. The Bureau is lending you their satellite so you can get into the complex with your computer. They even managed to infiltrate the building with a few droids called Mobile Remote Units (MRUs).
This is where you try and bail out.
It seems easy enough, once you penetrate the security. Just move the MRUs from room to room. Locate the combinations to the safe. Find the safe. And remove the documents. But it's not that easy. In fact, it's downright dangerous. There are video cameras and monitors to be avoided. Guard patrols. And something called... The Annihilator. Plus, the only map is the one you've got to make while not being discovered by all of the above. That's why the government wants you.
This is it.
Your reputation got you into this mess. Your skill will have to get you out. The meter is running. Good luck. Happy hunting."