I used to love this site and frequented it often when I would get nostalgic for a certain issue I used to own or maybe just want a couple issues for a flashback but I log in today and see that now I have to donate money or work on something for the site to view stuff.
I can understand the need for this but on the other hand me personally Im not going to donate anything just because I cant for the life of my validate giving a website money for this. I always prefered the warm fuzzy thought of this site being a labor of love free for all the fans, if that was the case Id been happy to donate some time and effort to helping improve the site, but telling me I have to now is kind of a insult almost and makes me delete the shortcut from my favorites list and not come back, Id rather go back to hunting for stuff on torrents. Cause honestly if I am going to pay for these magazines its going to be for a real hard copy off ebay or something.
You want people to give you free work and free money and sit back? Honestly now, you want donation, people to upload their mags to you, work on your wiki entries and everything else in exchange for you letting them view the work they are doing for you. Any new comers or returners like myself that come in and see that warning thrown up will make us not want to come in anymore.
Everyone in the game industry is nickel and diming gamers to death, we dont need anyone else doing it.
At any rate I loved the site and thanks for the work up till now but Im bowing out of this site.