Author: Anthony James
You've been reinstated in Her Majesty's Secret Service, but you need more than a fancy watch and a few martinis to stop the Janus Syndicate and rescue the GoldenEye satellite.
Don't get caught with your pants down, James. Get what you need to air out your Walther PPK and dry your martini.
* Invincibility, invisibility, and other covert cheat codes
* Step-by-step walkthroughs for every mission
* Secret agent skills vital to your success as 007
* Detailed maps for every level
* Multiplayer tips: Be #1 and Most Deadly
Chapter One: A Golden Game
Story Line
Chapter Two: Game Basics
Basic Controls
General Information
General Hints
Survival Tactics
Miscellaneous Tactics
Chapter Three: Mission Walkthroughs
Mission One: Arkangelsk
Section One: The Dam
Section Two: The Facility
Section Three: The Runway
Mission Two: Severnaya
Section One: The Surface
Section Two: The Bunker
Mission Three: Kirghizsatn
Section One: The Launch Silo
Mission Four: Monte Carlo
Section One: The Frigate
Mission Five: Severnaya
Section One: The Surface
Section Two: The Bunker
Mission Six: St. Petersburg
Section One: The Statue Park
Section Tow: The Military Archives
Section Three: The Streets
Section Four: The Depot
Section Fve: The Train
Mission Seven: Cuba
Section One: The Jungle
Section Two: The Control Center
Section Three: The Water Caverns
Section Four: The Antenna Cradle
Section One: Aztec Complex
Section One: Egyptian Temple
Chapter Four: A Brief History of James Bond
"The Name Is Bond. James Bond."
How the James Bond Sensation Began
The Novels
The Films
The Actors
"Shaken, not Stirred."
Awards and Honors
Chapter Five: Game Secrets
Cheat Options
Hidden Levels
ISBN: 7615-1301-9
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 97-69760