ISSUE: 3Content
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Game Boy
Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Sega Genesis
Sega Game Gear
Nintendo/Phillips SNES CD-ROM (never released)
Dear Game Informer (letters column)
Letter From The Editor
GameTek's InfoGenius System: Let Your Fingers Do The Walking...
(one-page Gametek InfoGenius productivity pak overview; French Translator, Spanish Translator, Spell Checker and Calculator, Personal Organizer, Travel Guide boxart shown; Travel Guide, Spell Checker screenshots shown)
This Issue's Reviews... The Bottom Line
(one-page summary of this issue's review scores)
Reviews (unless noted, two-page reviews featuring a game overview, three capsule reviews from GI staff, boxart and screenshots)
Lemmings (SNES)
John Madden '92 (Gen)
Joe Montana 2: Sports Talk Football (Gen)
Shatterhand (NES)
Faceball 2000 (GB)
Jewel Master (Gen)
RPM Racing (SNES) (Radical Psycho Machine Racing)
Wonder Boy in Monster World (Gen)
Asteroids (GB)
Galaxy Force II (Gen)
Art Alive (Gen)
Project Space Shuttle (NES)
Missile Command (GB)
The Games: Winter Challenge (Gen)
Turrican (GB)
Fun Club Tip Line (reader submitted tips and tricks)
Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge (NES)
Dragon Warrior 2 (NES) (Dragon Warrior II)
Air Diver (Gen)
Strider (Gen)
Spy Hunter (NES)
Twin Cobra (NES)
Final Fight (SNES)
Bases Loaded (NES)
Super Mario World (SNES)
Zelda II: Adventure of Link (NES)
Super Mario Bros. III (NES) (Super Mario Bros. 3)
Lakers vs. Celtics (Gen)
Kid Icarus (NES)
Side Pocket (NES)
The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants (NES)
Double Dragon III (NES) (The Sacred Stones)
Hunt For Red October (NES,GB?) (The Hunt For Red October)
Adventure Island II (NES)
Final Fantasy (NES)
John Madden Football '92 (GEN)
Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (GEN)
Sonic the Hedgehog (GEN)
Gradius (NES)
Gaiares (GEN)
Tech Talk: A Look To The Future of Video Play - The Latest on Video Game Hardware & Software
(Collection of short news stories - Electronic Arts & Accolade game incompatibility with new Genesis decks; Game Genie; Nintendo vs. Camerica; Asciipad, Power Clutch SG controllers; LucasFilm Games iMUSE implemented in Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge & Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis)
CES: Every Gamer's Ultimate Dreams and Desires
(Two pages of CES coverage; game screenshots shown: Super Battletank, Defenders of Dynatron City (NES), Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES))
What's Hot! Rumors & News From the Video Game World
(untitled; Acclaim Entertainment becomes Sega Genesis/Game Gear licensee)
America's Favorite Plumbers Are At It Again (rumored Super Mario 4 for NES)
Nintendo Joins the Race For CD-ROM (Phillips/Nintendo SNES add-on)
One Possible Solution... (hot-swap to play unlicensed Genesis games)
Accolade/Ballistic Takes on Sega (lawsuit news)
Nintendo's 16-Bit System: What Puts The "Super" In The New NES?
(Two-page SNES tech overview.)
Still Puzzled? Try Your Luck With Video Game Knowledge (word search puzzle)
"Edutainment" Games: Prime Examples That Learning Really Can Be Fun! (2-pages)
Gametek's Fisher Price Series
Hi-Tech's Sesame Street Series
Popular Board Games/Game Shows For Your Video System
PC Hits Go Video
Something Along A Different Note
Puzzlers That Will Keep You Guessing
Ads (in order of appearance):
Rolling Thunder 2 (GEN)
FaceBall 2000 (GB)
Space Shuttle (NES)
Camerica Gold NES Series (Micro Machines / Bignose the Caveman / The Ultimate Stuntman / The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy)
Funco order form
Mindscape GameBoy games (Gauntlet II / Days of Thunder / Paperboy / Klax / Marble Madness)
Game Informer subscription ad
Super R-Type (SNES)
The Simpsons games from Acclaim (Bart vs. The World (NES) / Bart Simpson: Escape From Camp Deadly (GB) / Bart vs. the Space Mutants (NES)
Shatterhand (NES)
Tengen Genesis titles (Paperboy / R.B.I. Baseball 3 / Pit Fighter)
Notable Stuff:
A GI subscription cost is $17.88 for six issues, with no discount offered for Funco Fun Club members.
- Nintendo Entertainment System
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- Sega Genesis
- Sega Game Gear
- Nintendo/Phillips SNES CD-ROM (never released)
Dear Game Informer (letters column)
Letter From The Editor
GameTek's InfoGenius System: Let Your Fingers Do The Walking...
(one-page Gametek InfoGenius productivity pak overview; French Translator, Spanish Translator, Spell Checker and Calculator, Personal Organizer, Travel Guide boxart shown; Travel Guide, Spell Checker screenshots shown)
This Issue's Reviews... The Bottom Line
(one-page summary of this issue's review scores)
Reviews (unless noted, two-page reviews featuring a game overview, three capsule reviews from GI staff, boxart and screenshots)
- Lemmings (SNES)
- John Madden '92 (Gen)
- Joe Montana 2: Sports Talk Football (Gen)
- Shatterhand (NES)
- Faceball 2000 (GB)
- Jewel Master (Gen)
- RPM Racing (SNES) (Radical Psycho Machine Racing)
- Wonder Boy in Monster World (Gen)
- Asteroids (GB)
- Galaxy Force II (Gen)
- Art Alive (Gen)
- Project Space Shuttle (NES)
- Missile Command (GB)
- The Games: Winter Challenge (Gen)
- Turrican (GB)
Fun Club Tip Line (reader submitted tips and tricks)
- Bill Elliott's NASCAR Challenge (NES)
- Dragon Warrior 2 (NES) (Dragon Warrior II)
- Air Diver (Gen)
- Strider (Gen)
- Spy Hunter (NES)
- Twin Cobra (NES)
- Final Fight (SNES)
- Bases Loaded (NES)
- Super Mario World (SNES)
- Zelda II: Adventure of Link (NES)
- Super Mario Bros. III (NES) (Super Mario Bros. 3)
- Lakers vs. Celtics (Gen)
- Kid Icarus (NES)
- Side Pocket (NES)
- The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants (NES)
- Double Dragon III (NES) (The Sacred Stones)
- Hunt For Red October (NES,GB?) (The Hunt For Red October)
- Adventure Island II (NES)
- Final Fantasy (NES)
- John Madden Football '92 (GEN)
- Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (GEN)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (GEN)
- Gradius (NES)
- Gaiares (GEN)
Tech Talk: A Look To The Future of Video Play - The Latest on Video Game Hardware & Software
(Collection of short news stories - Electronic Arts & Accolade game incompatibility with new Genesis decks; Game Genie; Nintendo vs. Camerica; Asciipad, Power Clutch SG controllers; LucasFilm Games iMUSE implemented in Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge & Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis)
CES: Every Gamer's Ultimate Dreams and Desires
(Two pages of CES coverage; game screenshots shown: Super Battletank, Defenders of Dynatron City (NES), Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES))
What's Hot! Rumors & News From the Video Game World
- (untitled; Acclaim Entertainment becomes Sega Genesis/Game Gear licensee)
- America's Favorite Plumbers Are At It Again (rumored Super Mario 4 for NES)
- Nintendo Joins the Race For CD-ROM (Phillips/Nintendo SNES add-on)
- One Possible Solution... (hot-swap to play unlicensed Genesis games)
- Accolade/Ballistic Takes on Sega (lawsuit news)
Nintendo's 16-Bit System: What Puts The "Super" In The New NES?
(Two-page SNES tech overview.)
Still Puzzled? Try Your Luck With Video Game Knowledge (word search puzzle)
"Edutainment" Games: Prime Examples That Learning Really Can Be Fun! (2-pages)
- Gametek's Fisher Price Series
- Hi-Tech's Sesame Street Series
- Popular Board Games/Game Shows For Your Video System
- PC Hits Go Video
- Something Along A Different Note
- Puzzlers That Will Keep You Guessing
Ads (in order of appearance):
- Rolling Thunder 2 (GEN)
- FaceBall 2000 (GB)
- Space Shuttle (NES)
- Camerica Gold NES Series (Micro Machines / Bignose the Caveman / The Ultimate Stuntman / The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy)
- Funco order form
- Mindscape GameBoy games (Gauntlet II / Days of Thunder / Paperboy / Klax / Marble Madness)
- Game Informer subscription ad
- Super R-Type (SNES)
- The Simpsons games from Acclaim (Bart vs. The World (NES) / Bart Simpson: Escape From Camp Deadly (GB) / Bart vs. the Space Mutants (NES)
- Shatterhand (NES)
- Tengen Genesis titles (Paperboy / R.B.I. Baseball 3 / Pit Fighter)
Notable Stuff:
- A GI subscription cost is $17.88 for six issues, with no discount offered for Funco Fun Club members.
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