ISSUE: 85Content
Nintendo 64
Sony Playstation
Sony Playstation 2
Nintendo Game Boy
Nintendo Game Boy Color
Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Nintendo Gamecube
Microsoft Xbox
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Saturn
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PS2; 6 pages including 'Making Maximo: Tips & Tricks interviews the game's creators' sidebar)
Mega Man X6 (PS; 8 pages)
Pikmin (GC; 6 pages)
Star Wars: Obi-Wan (XB; 6 pages)
Readers' Tips (letters column)
T&T Select Games
(1-page (unless noted) game overviews with screenshots; readers would select games from this section for future strategy coverage in T&T:)
Soccer Slam (GC)
Aliens: Colonial Marines (PS2)
(1/3rd page:)
Virtua Fighter 4 (PS2)
Resident Evil (GC)
Pac-Man World 2 (PS2)
Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet (GC)
Gun Valkyrie (XB)
Outlaw Golf (XB)
(1/4th page:)
Hot Shots Golf 3 (PS2)
Gun Metal (PS2)
Arcade Advanced (GBA)
Broken Sword (GBA)
Bomberman Max (GBA)
Resident Evil Gaiden (GBC)
Game Track! (upcoming releases list)
Pencil Puzzles (2 puzzles) - Pencil Puzzle A | Pencil Puzzle B
Hint Hotlines (game tip phone number directory)
Tournament Report (2 pages; South Florida Challenge 2, Golfland CVS2 Tournament, MVC2 Upset!, player rankings, tournament calendar)
Sports Desk (approx. 1/2 page (unless noted) strategy per game)
NBA Courtside 2002 (GC; approx. 1 page)
NBA 2K2 (XB)
ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 (XB)
FIFA Soccer 2002 (PS)
Hard Core (two pages of reader-submitted Armored Core designs)
Collector's Closet (one page of retro coverage; 'Solving The Storage Dilemma;' 'Room of Doom')
Japan Report! (2-pages; Japanese products, games and culture; 'Xbox Comes To Japan' feature)
Cool Zone (3-pages; cool products, gaming and non-gaming)
(T&T prided itself on its tip count - this issue contains 3200 tips collected in the pages listed here, sorted by system. This issue's Codes section features a number of varied footer bars - see the full breakdown below)
Playstation 2 (4 pages)
Gamecube (1 page)
Xbox (1 page)
Playstation (6 pages)
Nintendo 64 (6 pages)
Game Boy Advance (2 pages)
Game Boy (2 pages)
Dreamcast (4 pages)
GameShark (PS, PS2, GBC, GBA; 2 pages)
(Running footer bars:)
Adventures in Controller Design (Xbox 'Duke' controller modified; original convex buttons replaced by Saturn concave)
Maximo: Ghost to Glory (interview, continued)
Tips & Tricks Reader Art Gallery
- Nintendo 64
- Sony Playstation
- Sony Playstation 2
- Nintendo Game Boy
- Nintendo Game Boy Color
- Nintendo Game Boy Advance
- Nintendo Gamecube
- Microsoft Xbox
- Sega Dreamcast
- Sega Saturn
- Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PS2; 6 pages including 'Making Maximo: Tips & Tricks interviews the game's creators' sidebar)
- Mega Man X6 (PS; 8 pages)
- Pikmin (GC; 6 pages)
- Star Wars: Obi-Wan (XB; 6 pages)
Readers' Tips (letters column)
T&T Select Games
(1-page (unless noted) game overviews with screenshots; readers would select games from this section for future strategy coverage in T&T:)
- Soccer Slam (GC)
Aliens: Colonial Marines (PS2)
(1/3rd page:)
- Virtua Fighter 4 (PS2)
- Resident Evil (GC)
- Pac-Man World 2 (PS2)
- Star Fox Adventures: Dinosaur Planet (GC)
- Gun Valkyrie (XB)
Outlaw Golf (XB)
(1/4th page:)
- Hot Shots Golf 3 (PS2)
- Gun Metal (PS2)
- Arcade Advanced (GBA)
- Broken Sword (GBA)
- Bomberman Max (GBA)
Resident Evil Gaiden (GBC)
- Game Track! (upcoming releases list)
Pencil Puzzles (2 puzzles) - Pencil Puzzle A | Pencil Puzzle B
Hint Hotlines (game tip phone number directory)
Tournament Report (2 pages; South Florida Challenge 2, Golfland CVS2 Tournament, MVC2 Upset!, player rankings, tournament calendar)
Sports Desk (approx. 1/2 page (unless noted) strategy per game)
- NBA Courtside 2002 (GC; approx. 1 page)
- NBA 2K2 (XB)
- ESPN International Winter Sports 2002 (XB)
- FIFA Soccer 2002 (PS)
Hard Core (two pages of reader-submitted Armored Core designs)
Collector's Closet (one page of retro coverage; 'Solving The Storage Dilemma;' 'Room of Doom')
Japan Report! (2-pages; Japanese products, games and culture; 'Xbox Comes To Japan' feature)
Cool Zone (3-pages; cool products, gaming and non-gaming)
(T&T prided itself on its tip count - this issue contains 3200 tips collected in the pages listed here, sorted by system. This issue's Codes section features a number of varied footer bars - see the full breakdown below)
- Playstation 2 (4 pages)
- Gamecube (1 page)
- Xbox (1 page)
- Playstation (6 pages)
- Nintendo 64 (6 pages)
- Game Boy Advance (2 pages)
- Game Boy (2 pages)
- Dreamcast (4 pages)
- GameShark (PS, PS2, GBC, GBA; 2 pages)
(Running footer bars:)
- Adventures in Controller Design (Xbox 'Duke' controller modified; original convex buttons replaced by Saturn concave)
- Maximo: Ghost to Glory (interview, continued)
- Tips & Tricks Reader Art Gallery
- 1
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