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Status Updates posted by VGBounceHouse

  1. Hey @LarryBundyJr looks like your topics are hot again

  2. Hey #GamerGate I'll have more #retrogaming articles & ads all week. Hope everyone's having fun! https://t.co/KfIAxbCYc1

  3. Hey #GamerGate I'm prepping a return to the 1st console war for next week's #retrogaming ad memories. A few covers: http://t.co/droJPikmBG

  4. Hey #GamerGate if anyone's interested in the first issue of Vidiot magazine I have it up at http://t.co/Xz4647GgMb http://t.co/XjPPKrVTq4

  5. Hey #GamerGate not to pour gasoline on the #GameTrailers fire but remember @RAZ0RFIST Downfall of Gaming Journalism https://t.co/mySRmfcY2y

  6. Hey #GamerGate still working on my site, here's some early '80s #retrogaming for those rockin' the same 'stach! http://t.co/rggTd0IE1V

  7. Hey @draginol have you ever thought about expanding Stardock's gaming profile like Paradox Interactive? Since on the tools side...

  8. Hey @Grummz I don't know if these parody ads were always a part of PCXL but this one's pretty great lol http://t.co/gCR91mhRi9

  9. Hilarious as always @RAZ0RFIST plus loads of details #GamerGate - GameFailers: End of an Error - Downfall #11 https://t.co/KhFPUAUziG

  10. His first Imagic release was Micro Surgeon for #Intellivision one of many great exclusives they released as my favorite 3rd party.

  11. Hope everyone finds time for games this weekend, modern or #retrogaming I'm hoping for some FPS action! #gamersunite http://t.co/ip4cD1RZ5s

  12. Hope everyone's having fun and getting ready for a #MerryChristmas here's my old Here Comes Santa Claus parody

  13. Hope you have fun on the panel tomorrow @TheMercedesXXX its my 50th birthday & I've been a gamer since 1974 & been tweeting #GamerGate ...

  14. How can a hashtag "wind down"? I'm doing even more in support of #GamerGate with tweets, my project & more soon! https://t.co/FC3lHaoxRa

  15. I always enjoy his smarminess, not on Spader's level but still quality. Plus Demon Knight. @Daddy_Warpig @AshPnX https://t.co/UxP4a2ihd6

  16. I can try to pull things together onto a temporary page @CriticalKelly there are a bunch of interesting articles http://t.co/JE2eOjScid

  17. I concur, I published one at each of the 3 colleges I got kicked out of, and it's so much fun! @Nero @jpc51000 http://t.co/IAfxrD2a6S

  18. I could listen to @Sargon_of_Akkad bag on #Kotaku for hours #GamerGate - The Kotaku Konundrum https://t.co/gFZxcaelXi

  19. I don't know which wrestling game this is but if you played it who'd you choose @TheRalphRetort ? #retrogaming https://t.co/p7mAJUkTRR

  20. I don't play them but curious #GamerGate MT @HerInteractive ... Steam has elected to not add our newest games. :( It's their choice.

  21. I doubt this ad was exclusive to PC Accelerator @Grummz but nonetheless it looks like prime #GamerGate meme bait lol http://t.co/A9SDrpCmDD

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