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My death at the hands of Retromags

Hey there, Retromags.  Long time no see.  The reports of my death were spot on, as you well know.  My life had indeed been taken, and the killer is you. It all began innocently enough.  Almost exactly 4 years ago to the day, I uploaded a single cover.  Almost an entire year passed before I uploaded a second.  But then only 2 days later, I uploaded a third…a fourth...fifth……All told, 12 covers were uploaded that day.  And then the day after that, an additional 25 covers were uploaded…and so



Japan vs. the World: Ethics of Magazine Preservation

There are two websites in the world providing original scans of Japanese gaming magazines.  Retromags, which offers a small collection of Japanese mags scanned mostly by me.  And RetroCDN, which hosts low-resolution scans provided by a native Japanese scanner. It's no mystery why these scans are coming from people living in Japan (well, the two of us, anyway.)  We have the easiest, cheapest access to the mags. But what's interesting is that all of these scans are being hosted by websit



The stupid reasons we do the stupid things that we do

Eagle-eyed regulars around here may have noticed something different about Retromags over the past couple of days.  For the first time since February 21, 2016, I haven't uploaded anything to the gallery. In 524 days, I uploaded exactly 7000 pics - that's an average of 13.25 pics per day.  And now I've stopped. Why?  I've already commented about how I have a personal desire/mission to fill all the missing holes in the cover gallery.  And I've still got thousands of pics sitting in folde



The fragile ego of the magazine scanner

Someone wiser than me once said, "never blog when you're drunk."  But this isn't a blog, so I'm exempt from that advice thank god. I just wanted to put this out there now, while I'm too impaired to be concerned with how insecure and needy it makes me look.  Scanning a magazine is hard work.  Because it isn't just scanning, it it?  First you've got to de-bind the mag.  Then comes scanning.  And after that, the most time intensive process of them all - editing.  Depending on the length o



Photo Coming Soon: My mission: impossible

You may have noticed that I upload a lot of pictures to the gallery.  There's a simple reason for this: I hate being lied to. An optimist would tell you that "photo coming soon" sounds better than "no one has been arsed to upload a photo and aren't bloody well likely to, either," but optimism has always been a four letter word in my book (as it happens, my book had been tragically shipped to the printers before it could undergo a spel chek.) So when I visited Retromags for the first ti



Don't call it a blog

This isn't a blog.  There may never be a second entry, and I have no expectations that it will be seen, nor will I be making any effort to write anything of interest to anyone else. What it is is a shout into the darkness by someone who has found that the most scintillating conversation at hand is sadly their own voice echoing back at them in an empty room. And before anyone pities me, I assure you that my personal life is fine and is not what is being discussed. But Retromags dead. Or



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