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Comptiq No.241 (May 2002) 1.0.0

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Thanks for these. I know they might not be as popular as others, but I think it great having this collection of Japanese mags available to the public that you owned. I don't know if digitizing mags is still as popular in Japan. I remember in one of your posts, you mentioned different services that would make copies of your physical mags for you, to save space at home. But I didn't know if they still do that. I know you don't see Japanese mags too often on the sites I visit, but that's only English-speaking magazine sites that I know about. Great job on the scan and editing @kitsunebi, as always.

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@StrykerOfEnyo Digitizing mags/books/and comics is extremely common in Japan.  Putting them online is very illegal, though.  And while that's true of any country, Japan takes it a bit more seriously.  People posting manga are sometimes imprisoned.  That's why you don't see them online much.  Japanese people get their own mags digitized for their own personal use.  They sometimes trade them with others they trust, but it's only us reckless foreigners who post them online for everyone to see. (Granted, I make my own scans, while scanning services make you sign a contract stating you will not post them online and sometimes digitally watermark them so they can be traced back to you.)

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