ISSUE: 12Content
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Gameboy
(Table of Content (TOC) and headline excerpts follow. Bullet lists and (notes) added for clarity. Games for NES unless noted.)
Editor's Notes (approx. 1/4 page; editorial; upcoming 1990 games and accessories; monthly publication schedule announced)
Game Player's Mailbag (2 pages; reader Q&A mail; Pen-Pal requests; discussed)
Bionic Commando
IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II
Mega Man 2
Metal Gear
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Monster Party
Ninja Gaiden
Simon's Quest: Castlevania II
Super Mario Bros. 3
You Asked For It: Answers To Dragon Warrior (2 pages; reader Q&A with screenshots)
Final Fantasy Legend (3 pages; GB; game overview and strategies with screenshots)
A Diamond Dozen (7 pages; baseball video games guide; includes one page introduction and overviews of the following (each approx. 1/2 page with screenshots)):
Baseball Simulator 1.000
Bases Loaded
Bases Loaded 2: The Second Season
Tecmo Baseball
Baseball Stars
Bad News Baseball
R.B.I. Baseball
R.B.I Baseball 2
Little League Baseball
Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
Bases Loaded GB (GB)
Baseball Game Boy (GB)
SUPER STRATEGY (strategy guides; 5 pages each with loads of screenshots)
Code Name: Viper
Rescue Rangers (Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers)
Skate or Die 2: Search for Double Trouble (Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double Trouble)
Snake's Revenge
Swords and Serpents (includes map)
HOT HITS (game overviews with screenshots, 2 pages each)
Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
Boulder Dash
Championship Bowling
GUIDElines (5 pages; news and products; not shown unless noted; topics:)
Let The Game Genie Grant Your Wishes (Game Genie; accessory & screenshot shown)
It's A Miracle! (The Miracle keyboard accessory (shown))
Look Ma - No Hands (Konami LaserScope accessory; concept art & hardware shown)
Coming Soon To A Store Near You (mentioned; not shown unless noted:)
Mega Man 3
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (shown)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Dick Tracy
Gremlins II
Total Recall (shown)
Ghostbusters II (GB)
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Back to the Future II & III
Double Dare
Family Feud
Classic Concentration
Super Password
Mission: Impossible
The Lone Ranger
Gilligan's Island
The Simpsons
U.S.M.C. Harrier (shown)
Arch Rivals
WWF Superstars (GB)
Galaxy 5000
The Adventures of Rad Gravity (shown)
The Game of Harmony
Heavyweight Championship Boxing
Malibu Beach Volleyball (NES,GB)
Ultimate Basketball
Ninja Crusaders
Ninja Taro
Silver Surfer
Catrap (GB)
U-Force Power Games
Hatris (NES (shown),GB)
Pipe Dream (NES,GB)
DuckTales (GB)
Gargoyle's Quest (GB)
The California Raisins
Street Fighter 2010 (Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight)
Destiny of an Emperor
Escape from Atlantis
King Neptune's Adventure
Dragon's Lair (NES,GB)
Star Stingray
Lock n' Chase (GB)
Burgertime (GB)
Side Pocket (GB)
Dead Heat Scramble (GB)
Ultima (GB)
Heroes of the Lance (Dragonlance: Heroes of the Lance)
Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
The Bard's Tale
Wheel of Fortune (GB)
Jeopardy (GB)
The Chessmaster (GB)
Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure
The Hunt for Red October
Adventure Island II
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
Monster Truck Rally
World Trophy Soccer
Mechanoids (NES,GB)
Pinball Quest
Maniac Mansion (shown)
Last Ninja
Deja Vu
North and South
Happy Birthday Bugs
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (GB; shown)
Skate or Die: Bad 'N Rad (GB)
Ski or Die
NBA All-Star Challenge (GB)
The Punisher
Mercenary Force (GB)
Mousetrap Hotel (GB)
Jordan vs. Bird: One on One (GB; shown)
Super Scrabble (GB)
Paperboy (GB)
Dirty Harry
Bruce Lee Lives
Conan: The Mysteries of Time
Gauntlet II
Ishido (GB)
Dr. Mario (GB)
Balloon Kid (GB)
Radar Mission (GB)
Isolated Warrior
New Kids on the Block
Drac's Night Out
Heavy Shreddin'
Monster Master
Chase HQ (GB)
G.I. Joe
Godzilla (GB)
Dweebers (GB)
DIRECTORY (1 page; game company directory)
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo Gameboy
(Table of Content (TOC) and headline excerpts follow. Bullet lists and (notes) added for clarity. Games for NES unless noted.)
Editor's Notes (approx. 1/4 page; editorial; upcoming 1990 games and accessories; monthly publication schedule announced)
Game Player's Mailbag (2 pages; reader Q&A mail; Pen-Pal requests; discussed)
- Bionic Commando
- IronSword: Wizards & Warriors II
- Mega Man 2
- Metal Gear
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
- Monster Party
- Ninja Gaiden
- Shadowgate
- Simon's Quest: Castlevania II
- Super Mario Bros. 3
You Asked For It: Answers To Dragon Warrior (2 pages; reader Q&A with screenshots)
Final Fantasy Legend (3 pages; GB; game overview and strategies with screenshots)
A Diamond Dozen (7 pages; baseball video games guide; includes one page introduction and overviews of the following (each approx. 1/2 page with screenshots)):
- Baseball Simulator 1.000
- Bases Loaded
- Bases Loaded 2: The Second Season
- Tecmo Baseball
- Baseball Stars
- Bad News Baseball
- R.B.I. Baseball
- R.B.I Baseball 2
- Little League Baseball
- Dusty Diamond's All-Star Softball
- Bases Loaded GB (GB)
- Baseball Game Boy (GB)
SUPER STRATEGY (strategy guides; 5 pages each with loads of screenshots)
- Astyanax
- Code Name: Viper
- Rescue Rangers (Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers)
- Skate or Die 2: Search for Double Trouble (Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double Trouble)
- Snake's Revenge
- Solstice
- Swords and Serpents (includes map)
HOT HITS (game overviews with screenshots, 2 pages each)
- Al Unser Jr. Turbo Racing
- Boulder Dash
- Championship Bowling
- Chiller
- Klax
- Spot
- Thunderbirds
- Toobin'
GUIDElines (5 pages; news and products; not shown unless noted; topics:)
- Let The Game Genie Grant Your Wishes (Game Genie; accessory & screenshot shown)
- It's A Miracle! (The Miracle keyboard accessory (shown))
- Look Ma - No Hands (Konami LaserScope accessory; concept art & hardware shown)
Coming Soon To A Store Near You (mentioned; not shown unless noted:)
- Mega Man 3
- Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (shown)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
- Dick Tracy
- Gremlins II
- Total Recall (shown)
- Ghostbusters II (GB)
- Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
- Beetlejuice
- Back to the Future II & III
- Double Dare
- Family Feud
- Classic Concentration
- Super Password
- Mission: Impossible
- The Lone Ranger
- Gilligan's Island
- The Simpsons
- U.S.M.C. Harrier (shown)
- Arch Rivals
- WWF Superstars (GB)
- Galaxy 5000
- The Adventures of Rad Gravity (shown)
- The Game of Harmony
- Heavyweight Championship Boxing
- Malibu Beach Volleyball (NES,GB)
- Ultimate Basketball
- Pyros
- Ninja Crusaders
- Ninja Taro
- Silver Surfer
- Catrap (GB)
- Frankenstein
- U-Force Power Games
- Hatris (NES (shown),GB)
- Pipe Dream (NES,GB)
- DuckTales (GB)
- Gargoyle's Quest (GB)
- The California Raisins
- Street Fighter 2010 (Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight)
- Destiny of an Emperor
- Escape from Atlantis
- King Neptune's Adventure
- Dragon's Lair (NES,GB)
- Star Stingray
- Lock n' Chase (GB)
- Burgertime (GB)
- Side Pocket (GB)
- Dead Heat Scramble (GB)
- Ultima (GB)
- Heroes of the Lance (Dragonlance: Heroes of the Lance)
- Ultima: Quest of the Avatar
- The Bard's Tale
- Wheel of Fortune (GB)
- Jeopardy (GB)
- The Chessmaster (GB)
- Jim Henson's Muppet Adventure
- The Hunt for Red October
- Adventure Island II
- Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom
- Monster Truck Rally
- World Trophy Soccer
- R-Type
- Mechanoids (NES,GB)
- Pinball Quest
- Maniac Mansion (shown)
- Last Ninja
- Deja Vu
- North and South
- Happy Birthday Bugs
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan (GB; shown)
- Skate or Die: Bad 'N Rad (GB)
- Pirates
- Ski or Die
- NBA All-Star Challenge (GB)
- Pictionary
- The Punisher
- Mercenary Force (GB)
- Mousetrap Hotel (GB)
- Jordan vs. Bird: One on One (GB; shown)
- Super Scrabble (GB)
- Paperboy (GB)
- Dirty Harry
- Bruce Lee Lives
- Conan: The Mysteries of Time
- Gauntlet II
- Ishido (GB)
- Wizardry
- Faria
- Dr. Mario (GB)
- Balloon Kid (GB)
- Radar Mission (GB)
- Isolated Warrior
- New Kids on the Block
- Drac's Night Out
- Heavy Shreddin'
- Monster Master
- Chase HQ (GB)
- Puttmaster
- G.I. Joe
- Godzilla (GB)
- Dweebers (GB)
DIRECTORY (1 page; game company directory)
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