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Everything posted by Areala

  1. I think I fixed the problem. It's working for me now -- let us know if it's not working for you. *huggles* Areala
  2. Oh nice! I've been hoping to see this issue on here some day, as it has Parasite Eve coverage that I've not seen before. So excited! *huggles* Areala
  3. My brother was one of the writers who got stiffed, so I have some rather...harsh opinions on the matter.
  4. The reason issue #7 was put together by three people is because the entire rest of the team who helped put the magazine together didn't get paid a cent for any of their work. And not just the work of writing the pieces for the print magazine and getting the screenshots and such, but also pitching and producing regular content for the website as well. So after issue six came out and they were told they'd been working for free, they said, "Screw this!" and walked away.
  5. I'm not entirely sure Dave still owns the GameFan IP or trademark (the "Diehard GameFan" trademark, at least, is owned and used by another website with Dave's blessing, but I don't think that site's been active for years). About ten years ago, GameFan and the website Destructoid partnered up to increase the viability of the print magazine's relaunch, but only one issue ever came out and everything's been quiet since. There are other websites that offer full runs of the original GameFan for download seemingly without issue. Halverson originally requested we not host them because he was in the process of building a digital archive which would be offered for sale, but I think he only got the first four or five issues released. The site has since disappeared, so there's no way to buy them and hasn't been for probably eight or nine years now. I doubt we're even a blip on his radar. *huggles* Areala
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