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Movie Catalogue Scans


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Back in the mid 90's the only way to track down rare or hard to find movies was often through grey market mail order catalogues that were advertised in the back of movie magazines like Fangoria. I've found one of my old catalogues and scanned it.  Not sure if it works for uploading to this site but I figured a few like minded folks might enjoy it.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngssl6abuca6a0i/Midnight Video Catalogue 16.pdf?dl=0

It's hard to think of mailing off $20 and waiting 6-8 weeks for a VHS bootleg movie you've never seen but it's how we did it back in the day.

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Here is the other movie catalogue I was working on scanning. I never ordered anything from this company back in the day so I don't have much nostalgia for it but it's still neat to check out. Kind of extra fun because the previous owner highlighted movies they were interested in and they had very....adult tastes.  🤣

https://www.dropbox.com/s/xwsj4m4gkoji712/Luminous Film and Video Wurks Catalogue 2.0.pdf?dl=0

If you want both catalogues from one link here you go.


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