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Everything posted by Thor

  1. Thanks! Any help would be great. Also as I've been going through the wiki I saw some covers that were not in the best conditions so I'll probably end up redoing those few. I also fixed the layout of the wiki to get rid of some of the extra headings that wernt needed. (Or I should say I'm in the process of doing so). I worked on it from 7am to 5pm and I'm now going back to do a bit more.
  2. Thor

    Nintendo Pocket Power?

    Actually that's not a half bad idea.
  3. I decided to go through and scan all the magazines that are not up on the Nintendo Power wiki yet. Unfortunatly I'm missing all of 2000 issues and one from 2001 so if anyone has the covers for issues 128, 129, and 140. If anyone at all has these please either contact me or upload them to the wiki.
  4. Thor

    Nintendo Pocket Power?

    You lucky SOB I've been looking every couple days for that on ebay. Well at least someone from Retromags got it that's all I can say.
  5. Actually after trying to do the the way I was is taking way to long just to do one page since I don't have Quark Express anymore. So I guess I'll just stick to the web site Wiki. Hey what do you think about using my logo I made instead of Nintendo Power logo that is currently up?
  6. Well sometimes I get in these moods to just start huge projects... such as my other current project Card Fighter Project! But I think I'll still do the magazine version but I definetly don't mind working on the sites Wiki as well
  7. I started to make an index on Wikipedia with information on every Nintendo Power ever made, only problem before I even got to the 2nd issue the 1st issue and the index list had been deleted by Wikipedia. So I said screw it I'll just make my own website... but... I didn't feel like paying for another web host and I don't like those free host sites too many adds. So I've decided to make an actual book/magazine. I'll just do it in the CBR format. I just finished the cover and thought I would post it for your thoughts. Not actual size Click here for a bigger version (still not actual size though and higher quality) Also I wanted to get some ideas as to what information to include on each issue. I've already decided to include a general table of contents... but thats about all I was planning on doing but I want more than that. Please throw me some ideas.
  8. Every once and a while I'll do a deep cleaning by popping everything off. Otherwiase on a month to month basis I'll use one of those things that look like baby wipes but have lysol on it and just disinfect my keyboard keys.
  9. I'll tell ya something that I've wanted since the N64 days is the trophies from Smash Bros. I wish they would release those that would be cool.
  10. Ok cool and I'd love to see Sega Visions get released past the first issue. I'm so mad that I tossed out my Sega Visions so many years ago. I've been trying to collect all of them again but they are much harder to find than Nintendo Power.
  11. Just wondering if any NP RetroMags.com releases after 1998? I've only found up to 1998 thus far. I've noticed that you are working on a re-release with a checklist that I believe went up to 2002 but I have not seen anything past '98. Oh and if your interested I found a rather neat stand alone magazine with an auction that I won that has just Classified information in it. If interested I can scan it and send it in to include to the archive. I have not yet figured out what year it was released.
  12. Thor

    Nintendo Pocket Power?

    I wish they were mine because I lost my copy of this magazine many years ago. I do have the scans though.
  13. Thor

    Nintendo Pocket Power?

    You know what I found a scan of it. Let me know if you want it or not. I'm going to modify it a bit and clean it the scan is kinda rough.
  14. I don't know if this is a request or a suggestion. Back when The Wizard was in the theater I remember getting a pocket sized version of Nintendo Power magazine. I'm sure it was not much but a bit of info on Super Mario Bros. 3 but does any one have this. If so it needs to be included with one of the NP torrent releases. I've looked all over for this magazine on ebay over several years but have not found it.
  15. Thor

    Bluray And Hd-dvd

    Well the way I feel I want HD DVD to come out on top. Mainly because I'm down right tired of Sony. I refuse to buy any Sony products anymore. They used to make good quality items but now a days they just fall appart. For those of you who say there is no difference in quality between HD and regular DVD there is a huge difference. I used to say I too didn't see any difference but that was before I bought an HD player and have watched many hours of video on HD. I too have a 52" HD Rear Projection TV and honestly I can't stand watching movies any other way unless it's in HD. But back to the HD/Blue Ray thing... Now that I see they are working on a 100GB version of Blue Ray discs (tripple layer) I am really getting turned on to the blue ray. But it's going to take many years before the price comes down. I was an early adoptee of DVD I actually got my first DVD player back in 96 or 97 and looking back now wish I would have waited because it was a big expense that was not needed. But this is coming from somone who still uses his Laser Disc player. Not to mention CD-i VCDs (wow both of which look really bad now, quality wise). I hate to say it but I too think blue ray will end up being the leader unles Thats they can come up with a triple layer HD DVD disc. That may be able to get up to maybe 80 GB at most. Oh well only time will tell.
  16. I'd be willing to help out... I've sent you a PM.
  17. I kinda thought it might be something like that. Thanks for the info.
  18. I downloaded the big collection Funclub - NP 145 and this is how I learned about RetroMags.com So after that I also downloaded Nintendo Power Advance. But where are the issues after 145? I have most of them already but would like them on DVD rom as well has anyone scanned them? If not I will start scanning mine but no way am I'm going to take the binding off of them to do so.
  19. Hehehehe... Thank you I bided on a few of his auctions for missing years of Nintendo Power.
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