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Everything posted by VGBounceHouse

  1. RT @I_AM_IRON_VAN: #GGinBos meetup!April 23rd at 6pm! After Pax East!See you there #GamerGate https://t.co/QsEBCi9Cg2

  2. RT @RetroGamerDaz: Just a reminder that my latest Vid is now on the Daz Channel #retrogaming #RT https://t.co/0BtohXFYj4 https://t.co/Jlp…

  3. Updated again through page 385. Thanks for that Sean, don't know why I didn't have the joined Chun Li pages included already. Hopefully I already have all the others on display. I'll check eday's thread and if I find the call I'll do the reply when the scans are ready for download. I'm into the Marketplace now so the next 10 pages or so will go much faster then I have the horrible Looney Tunes ad from the inside back cover to deal with which is gonna take some fiddling. Looks like I can put together a test archive sometime tomorrow and then we can decide on the finals.
  4. I RTed for some Ikari Warriors action but which do you prefer? #retrogaming #GamersUnite https://t.co/LEwlV0zVaU

  5. I'm down to the final 20 pages. When I scan the single page ad I need to repair the one double-page Quarterback Club ad I will also scan the requested pages from EGM 86. Just need to track down the thread to know who to alert that the TIFFs are available for download lol The 300dpi version is over 3GB at the moment. As always I will defer to the mods (and community) of RetroMags in assembling the release. Is going with two files even an option? When I run the initial build of the CBR I'll post the size of the file based on the 2200px height I use for resizing for RetroMags. Currently the only "joined" pages planned for inclusion are: There are a number of pages that kinda only make sense when joined like the ones with maps. Please refer to my work-in-progress page: http://vgpavilion.com/mags/1994/12/egm/pages/ In case you've never used my site each image can be clicked/tapped for fullscreen inspection (mousewheel/pinch & drag). Each single page will line up fine when in facing pages mode (except that the CBR readers I've used seem to like to put a single pixel frame around each page disrupting the join) but kitsunebi77 please feel free to suggest other joined pages (the ones already joined are at the bottom of the preview but I can join any others) and hopefully we can come to a consensus on which pages should be included in the RetroMags release.
  6. As a #retrogaming collector how wide a net do you cast when collecting peripherals? #GamersUnite https://t.co/2km3WW8dok

  7. RT @WeirdAndRetro: #RetroGaming #Loot » Atari Lynx: Push Your Mind To The Edge - large brochure « I've never seen this one before :D https:…

  8. RT @omgMyCat: Lots of proGG peeps could use a boost. Keep the network alive, remember to follow back. #GamerGate #OpSkyNet https://…

  9. This bane of the #retrogaming world goes out to the #AVGN for his love of Cheetamen. Got this one? #GamersUnite https://t.co/POaRHbi8LC

  10. Down to the last 50 pages. So many printing errors on the pages with dark backgrounds! Thanks, I actually enjoy the tougher ones but sometimes it's nice to get an easy one like this:
  11. RT @Kitsuagi: Back from the #arcade and as always it was a lot of fun! Some pictures this time not the best however. #gamersunite https://t…

  12. RT @ReplayEvents: Play classic arcade cabs like Paperboy at #PlayBlackpool! Find out more - https://t.co/1gFfbE6v6d#retrogaming https://…

  13. RT @JuicyGameReview: #GamingMemory Tomb Raider on the PS1Initial Release: 1996

  14. RT @DrGameAndSci: Another haul! WarlordsIV, KQ7, an obscure Dr.Brain game, TheLastRemnant, & SonicCD! #SonicTheHedgehog #GamersUnite https:…

  15. If you check the preview you'll see each page is available on its own. In my previous RetroMags releases I have followed your advice and only included fold-outs, not two-pagers. I do need to assemble them though, both so that when someone's in "facing pages" mode everything lines up, and for my own preservation site where I index the ads and need to show them as single images as well as allow people to take them for their own use. I'll have questions about that again this time as there are two fold-out ads, including one with as irregular page cut lol you can see the individual pages and the merged ones, at least how I thought they best looked if you were physically unfolding and reading but am happy to make whatever changes best fit RetroMags archive style.
  16. Can you identify the game this strategy map is intended for? #retrogaming hint: 1st on 3DO before port. #GamersUnite https://t.co/HQ1ubQY3R4

  17. Sorry for the long delay! I've made some more progress and have updated the preview page http://vgpavilion.com/mags/1994/12/egm/pages/ I've finished through page 333 except for the one ad reassembly. With luck I will finish up tomorrow or the next day. Sean, I know the overlap is minimal on some of these pages and I put that one up more as an example of dealing with the top-of-page three bar thing I was whining about. While joining ad pages is my focus I am cognizant regarding the use of facing pages when reading so making sure the pages line up has me dealing with this a lot, which unfortunately has slowed me down as the last 40 pages or so have been nothing but joined pages because of that lousy top bar As mentioned earlier I also needed to index my magazine collection which I finished last week, nearly 1,300 magazines with details. I will have the database up after I finish this issue of EGM and the process means I'll need to start a few threads in the Database Discussion forum lol Today was the final day of clearing out my parents' house to ready it for sale. Was far more work than anticipated but I did discover some tucked away gaming history gems along the way. Unfortunately is severely slowed down my progress on the issue so sorry about that.
  18. RT @Lord_Arse: #Retrogaming Memory ❤Title: PuttyPublisher: System 3Platform: Commodore AmigaYear: 1992 https://t.co/OGchvhDRbE

  19. RT @thachampagne: GeneralTheDestroyer! EHEHEHE! Live-Editing of Top Hats and No Brain in about 50 minutes! https://t.co/rss6KmsREC | #PCMas

  20. RT @RetroGamerDaz: What I would rather be doing right now. Maybe later. #retrogaming #Nintendo https://t.co/e5nh455e9V

  21. RT @JuicyGameReview: Retro Gaming seems even tastier with these beauts! #YumYum Would you have RG themed cake?

  22. I miss game packaging, especially Infocom "feelies". #retrogaming #GamersUnite https://t.co/tk8x3X4cBr

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