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Tips & Tricks Issue 121

ISSUE: 121Content


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Xbox) Strategy

Shadow of Rome (PS2) Strategy

The King of Fighters 2002/2003 (PS2) Strategy

Mercenaries (PS2, Xbox) Strategy

Resident Evil 4 (GameCube) Strategy

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie (PS2, GameCube, Xbox) Strategy

The San Andreas Chronicle

Halo Insider

Select Game Previews:

·         Rise of the Kasai (PS2)

·         Ape Escape (PSP, released as Ape Escape Academy)

·         God of War (PS2)

·         Dragon Ball Z: Sagas (Xbox)

·         Archer Maclean's Mercury (PSP)

·         Twisted Metal: Head-On (PSP)

·         Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat (GameCube)

·         Wario Ware: Touched! (DS)

·         Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade (PSP)

·         Stolen (PS2)

·         Hot Shots Golf (PSP, released as Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee)

·         Spider-Man 2 (PSP)

·         Star Fox: Assault (GameCube)

·         Ridge Racer (PSP)

·         Close Combat: First to Fight (Xbox)

·         NARC (Xbox)

·         Wipeout Pure (PSP)

·         Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix (PSP)

·         Psychonauts (Xbox)

·         Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana (PS2)

·         ATV Offroad Fury (PSP)

·         Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (Xbox)

·         Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity (PS2)

·         Phantom Dust (Xbox)

·         Super Army War (Game Boy Advance)

·         Upcoming Game Release Calendar

Reader Mail

Gaming Gear

Gaming 2 Go

Online Gamer

Tips & Tricks Sports Desk

·         FIFA Street

·         NFL Street 2 cheat codes

·         Rugby 2005

Collector’s Closet

Final Fantasy World

Japan Report

PS2 Tips

GameCube Tips

Xbox Tips

Game Boy Advance Tips

Action Replay/GameShark Codes

Mystery Codes

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  Report Issue



    Title: Tips & Tricks Issue 121
    Month: March
    Year: 2005
    Publisher: Larry Flynt Publications
    Editor: Chris Bieniek
    Pages: 100
    Price: $5.99 U.S./$7.99 Canada
    Country: United States
    Language: English
    Votes: 0

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