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Everything posted by parallaxscroll

  1. I vote for EGM2 issue 4 (October 1994) to be preserved. IIRC, that issue has a 2-page fact-file on Neo Nectaris (Military Madness 2).
  2. Outstanding, Sean. Everything looks great. Thank you. Very much looking forward to EGM 30 as well.
  3. OMG this is awesome (and Computer Games: Strategy Plus issue 63 as well) thanks KiwiArcader. I used to be really into military flight sims.
  4. Awesomeness! Been waiting awhile for EGM #32. Fantastic scans.
  5. Game Players issue 11 - May 1990, and issue 3 - August / September 1989 Also of course, Electronic Game Player issue #2 May/June 1988 and issue #3 July/August 1988
  6. I highly recommend Video Games & Computer Entertainment and Electronic Gaming Monthly. VG&CE has a great balance of 8-bit / 16-bit console and PC coverage, plus it was a well written magazine. EGM has great coverage of both Nintendo & Sega consoles..
  7. Awesome, Sean, looking forward to it!
  8. Electronic Gaming Monthly Especially the early months of 1992!
  9. Thanks Sean! Looking forward to EGM #32.
  10. Thank you so much E-Day - every magazine is another slice of memories ... of times, places, and games!
  11. Awesome, thanks E-Day. I vote to preserve Super NES Buyer's Guide Issue 11 January 1994 look at some of the contents: https://www.retromags.com/magazines/category/usa/super-nes-buyers-guide/super-nes-buyers-guide-issue-11#.V38XVfkrKM9
  12. Aww shucks, was hoping that one would be among those you had. The one from 1993 is great though!
  13. Yeah. I had interest in it because EGM had a very early look at NEC's 32-bit system in development. I could be wrong but I think the following came from either the main issue itself, or the supplement: btw a great deal changed with the hardware by the time the NEC PC-FX released in Japan in late 1994. uh, someone's selling the supplement for $25 on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1992-VIDEO-GAME-PREVIEW-GUIDE-Vintage-Gaming-Magazine-by-Editors-of-EGM-/301809815278?hash=item4645444eee:g:KhUAAOSwT6pVke2k
  14. So it was '89 that I started buying game magazines. Of the "big four" these were the first issues I bought.
  15. I'd love to see some of the Intelligent Gamer and Intelligent Gamer's Fusion magazines, and VG&CE issue 20 September 1990
  16. Sean, almost forgot, is that 1992 Video Game Preview Guide in the copy of EGM 32 you have?
  17. Excellent, Sean. I also vote for preserving EGM issue 32 - March 1992.
  18. I think this is the artwork that was on the cover of the issue I had.
  19. At first, I thought I was remembering something like an early issue of Game Informer from 1991, but that wasn't the case. Beyond Gaming: Ultimate Game Club's Official Magazine was something else entirely. Here are some random references to Beyond Gaming. http://nintendoage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=29&threadid=117599 http://www.arcade-museum.com/library/magazines/beyond-gaming.html [trademark stuff] http://www.tmfile.com/mark/?q=742173823 http://www.nesworld.com/article.php?system=nes&data=nestral http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/beyond-gaming-ultimate-game-club-417066712
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