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Mega Man 9


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If your a Mega Man fan I totally suggest getting this game for what ever console you have be it 360, PS3 or Wii. I don't know about the other systems but I know it's out on the Wii right now. It's a great game. I is what it once was. Only a warning I have a feeling this is the hardest Mega Man game ever. I have not yet beaten a boss and I've been playing it for over a half hour. But I don't even remember what it was like when starting a new Mega Man game. (And I mean a true MM game not these crappy ones Capcom has been putting out since MMX7 and the EXE games).

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I downloaded MM9 Monday night and played it for a little bit. Nice and retro, but frustrating and hard. I didn't get past the rolling rock monster/boss in the Jewel Man stage. But it's still great to play an old school game like this. The control seems to feel better than it would on an actual 8-bit system. Now I definately want other companies to follow suit. *cough*Sega*cough*

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Nice and retro, but frustrating and hard. I didn't get past the rolling rock monster/boss in the Jewel Man stage.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear. :)

I love these punishing game experiences where you know exactly what you should be doing in a classic game setting. New tricks or not doesn't really make a difference one way or another.

Having to repeat certain levels or section over and over and over again to perfect every little move and technique just to be able to progress to the next near impossible section.

Those are the things that make or break a real retro renascence game in by book.

That why I absolutely love games like Contra 4 and Bangai-O Spirits.

They don't pull no punches, they directly go for your balls and won't let go no matter how loud you scream for your mommy. ;)

I must have quite a few masochistic tendencies as I also loved the hardest purple coin challenges in Mario Galaxies where quite a few people complained about.

Gun Valkyrie was fun as well, especially the level where you couldn't make one wrong move, or you would plunge all the way down and have to start from the bottom again.

Sounds like Im gonna love Megaman 9. Now please come out in 2 days....

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I only found a couple purple coin challenges in Mario Galaxy very hard. The worst was obviously Luigi's purple coins. I used about 80 lives before getting it. Had I not been in a huge rush to finish on time at the beginning, I think I could have done it sooner.

I am HOPING Mega Man 9 lets you save your game. I can't remember if it does. If not, I will never finish it as I don't have the time or patience to sit there for 6 hours playing it :P

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Yeah that's the hardest purple coin challenge I think. Lost quite a bit of lives on it myself. Certainly more then 30. :)

I loved every second of it though.

From what I have read, and I try to stay away from as much info about yet to be released games as possible, I believe Megaman 9 gives you several save slots. So that shouldn't be an issue. (I believe I read 8 or something, but my memory isn't that great.)

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Yeah, I wish they would do more retro games, I wonder if Rush is in Megaman 9?

Rush is in MM9, yes.

I didn't think it would challenge me this much, the game really reminds you how little recent games have been pressing players. Instead of being a cakewalk, you actually have to think and study the patterns and get your reflexes going instead of relying on linear walkthroughs and auto-aim.

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