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Everything posted by te72

  1. Shame about Parasite Eve 2, but thanks for the honest review. I was a pretty big fan of the idea of the Fear Effect games, but for some reason the gameplay walked all over me. Granted, I was young at the time, so I probably had my mind on other... things.
  2. D'oh! That's right... thanks for catching my error on that one. For whatever reason, I loved the Hobbit as a kid. Something tells me that I don't want to revisit it as an adult, however.
  3. Can't say I've seen anything involving either Don Bluth or John Goodman that I didn't like. Bluth was an amazingly talented artist, basically if you weren't Disney, you went to Bluth. Land Before Time, Last Unicorn, Fievel, etc... As for Goodman, dude is a rather well rounded actor. I keep meaning to rewatch The Big Lebowski, but haven't gotten around to it.
  4. Was Dark Forces part of the Jedi Knight series? I seem to recall Kyle Katarn being the main character in DF, but my memory is a bit fuzzy on the Jedi Knight games. About all I remember is that Dark Forces was one rather difficult game. Great atmosphere for the time though... Yes, yes, and more yes. How's Parasite Eve 2 hold up? I loved the first game.
  5. Nimh was indeed a fun movie. Don Bluth, right? This one in particular, holds up pretty well even today. See, to me, I don't care what else I see him in... he's Pacha to me. Speaking of the offbeat and slightly unusual, anyone else play this one?
  6. Crazy guy's name is Nathan Barnatt. Does all sorts of goofy characters, as well as stunt and dance work. I'm a big fan, he's like a real life Gumby. Speaking of which, anyone remember Gumby?
  7. Well one chose that career after our time together, and the other wasn't for a lack of trying, but also chose that career after she graduated. Glad to hear that FFX holds up. I bought the PS3 version, as I don't have a PS4 yet. Heck, even the PS2 version still looks fairly sharp if you had component cables. I'm still somewhat surprised that Capcom never remastered the Onimusha trilogy. Reading an LP of the first entry, and realizing how much I enjoyed that game.
  8. Ahh yes, the Neo Geo. I wanted one so bad as a kid. Keith gets it:
  9. I'm was rather bitter that KI only came out on the SNES, and not the "Ultra 64" that the arcade hardware was used to market. Instead we got KI Gold on N64, which wasn't a bad game, but it just wasn't quite as good in my opinion. Other than everything else? Just kidding, I always loved the HOD games, very much a staple of my visits to Gameworks in Arizona Mills mall back in the late 90's. Good thing that studios have realized the importance of archiving. As for the ex becoming a stripper, but NOT a zombie, I dunno about that. Every stripper I've ever known (primarily a couple friends from high school) always seemed to have rather dead eyes, soooo...
  10. I remember the game, at the very least. Can't say I remember MIMP cards however. Your story reminds me of a time that a neighbor's younger brother "borrowed" my TMNT Hyperstone Heist cart and buried it in the desert when he found out it wouldn't work in his NES. Little bastard...
  11. If I ever end up in a position that I'm needing to hire someone with similar qualities, I'm gonna bust out the NES for their interview. Depending on their attitude and how well they are at the game, would determine whether or not they get the job.
  12. I play Tetris at work, every day. Does it count if it's metaphorical? I work primarily in shipping.
  13. Fun fact, on the subject of the Oregon Trail. Remember Fort Bridger in the game? It is a real place, and I live about an hour away from it. When I was a kid, they had a pioneer festival, where folks would dress up as trappers and settlers, have wagon train meals, trading posts, that sort of thing. Kinda like a renaissance festival for the American west crowd.
  14. I was always more a fan of cholera myself. Did anyone else just load up on bullets, a couple pounds of food, and maybe two sets of clothes for everyone? I never found the game to be that challenging as long as you were prepped to hunt.
  15. You know, I had a realization the other day. I haven't been particularly excited for any game I can think of in recent memory, at least in the last few years. It eventually hit me, that the magazines were what generated the hype for me. I find that looking at gaming news on the internet is a very slippery slope, and can lead to me never actually playing games. At least with a magazine, I only had so much content to enjoy for the month, and I think that was a good balance. Too much info is every bit as bad as not enough, in my book.
  16. Welcome aboard toxicatom5. Interesting background you have there, must be an ace at Oregon Trail, no?
  17. Thanks for the historical lesson Areala. I believe Suikoden was probably the first RPG that I started on my own. Had played FF Mystic Quest and Secret of Mana first, but played them on a friend's recommendation. Didn't play FF6 until about 10 years after its release, and have never played Dragon Warrior. An example of not needing a cheat unlocked through difficult achievements, speaking of Final Fantasy, would be the prized you can collect from the Kalm Traveller in FF7. Oh, you beat the two ridiculous super bosses? Here, have a gold chocobo and a set of master materia. By then, it's highly likely that you don't need either, so... kinda a moot point.
  18. Don't know if I'm taking out the fun by suggesting it, but here ya go Mike: https://smile.amazon.com/Big-Chocolate-1440g-Great-Canada/dp/B003MJPYXY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1454219902&sr=8-2&keywords=mr+big+candy+bar Admittedly a bit pricey for a candy bar, at some $2 each, but if it truly is the greatest thing EVAR...
  19. Never... played... Streets... of... Rage? There's a Hulk joke somewhere in here, I just know it. Go figure out a way to play it. It's pretty easy to find, and while I enjoyed 1 and 3, 2 was the only one I ever owned. To me, it is almost like Jaws, or Jurassic Park. It's one of those things that, if you happen to stumble on it, it will suck you in. I I happened to come across someone playing it at a lan party or something along those lines, I would be joining them.
  20. That idea came from a game released in 1995/1996. Twenty years ago. Too bad that series is most likely done, stick a fork in it, not coming back, huh?
  21. Again, you make it SOUND interesting, but I can't put myself through that pain again, knowing full well how bad it is. Too many other, better games to play, and not enough free time in one life to do so. This was probably the only game I ever sold because it was simply disappointing. Brings me to a thought though... were there any genuinely GOOD MK spin off games? Shaolin Monks was alright, if memory serves. Kinda similar to the gameplay in the Konquest mode previously mentioned. Wait, that actually came out? I seem to recall it getting cancelled. Was on the cover of an early issue of PSM, probably issue 18 or 19, somewhere around there. Again, idea seemed cool, and if it had been made by Eidos (the publishers of Fighting Force) it probably would have been pretty good. On that note: Go play this one. Still holds up quite well.
  22. Mike, that actually sounds pretty darned good, not gonna mince words. Sounds like Nestle Crunch mixed with Snickers mixed with Nutty Bars, all of which leads me to suspect that a stoner came up with the recipe.
  23. I'll try to figure out our printer sometime this week. Here is a link to the specs: http://www.epson.com/cgi-bin/Store/jsp/Product.do?sku=C11CC07201#Scan Any reason that wouldn't provide a decent image? I figure the better the image to start... like I said, it's pretty rough, multple small tears, bends, and what appears to be a bit of water damage. Although I lived in AZ when I got that issue, so it might be from sweat, who knows?
  24. Quite interesting. I see that your Smarties are made by Nestle, ours are made by Wonka, and are a "fruit" flavor, somewhat hard / crunchy candy. As for drinks in different markets, Fanta is a great example of localized flavors. Even in the US there are different flavors of Fanta around the country. On that note, Japan gets some rather strange and neat sodas.
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